The Barking Tricksters (TBT) recognises that safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk is a shared responsibility, with the need for a collaborative approach that relies on effective joint working between trainers, students and other professionals with different roles and expertise.
TBT aims to ensure safe working practices which identify safeguarding concerns, and that appropriate action is taken in order to safeguard the wellbeing of children, young people and adults at risk, protect them from harm and respect their rights, wishes and feelings.
TBT ensures that all their trainers hold an enhanced DBS certificate and when joint working with other trainers or clubs ensures that a member of TBT is present at all times.
TBT ensures training and continuing professional development for all trainers takes place, so that they are competent to undertake their roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding, and recognise key signs of abuse in children, young people, and adults at risk.
Safeguarding Statement
We are committed to safeguarding and protecting from harm the children, young people and adults that may use our services.
We believe we have a duty to promote the welfare of the people we work with and to carry out our work in a way that keeps them safe from abuse.
We believe that Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, the welfare of the people that we work with, children and adults at risk in particular, is paramount in the way we work and the decisions that we take.
We believe all people regardless of age, disability, sex or sexual orientation, race, religion or belief, marital/civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, gender reassignment have a right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.
We ensure that when persons we are working with or who come into contact with our services are additionally vulnerable because of their life experiences, level of dependency or other issues we recognise this and are mindful of any additional practices which need to be considered to ensure prevention from harm at all times.
When referring to Safeguarding children we define this as:
Protecting them from any type of abuse or preventing harm to their mental, physical health or wellbeing.
Taking action to enable them to achieve the best outcomes.
Involving the appropriate persons when considering a potential safeguarding breech.
Enabling them to utilise our services free from abuse
When referring to Safeguarding adults we define this as:
Protecting the health, wellbeing, and rights of adults at risk.
Enabling them to utilise our services free from abuse.
Ensuring the wellbeing of individuals, respecting their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs.
TBT safeguards people by:
Ensuring all trainers both visible and those behind the scenes are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding.
Have a knowledge and understanding of the local safeguarding agencies and how to report concerns and share appropriate information.
Monitoring any concerns to identify any patterns or trends.
Ensuring that the environment and facilities where students, and where applicable their family members, receive our services are safe, appropriate, and meet their needs.
Ensuring people know they will be believed and supported should they report a concern to us.
Reviewing our safeguarding practices regularly and referring to and remaining updated on relevant Key Legislation which includes:
· The Care Act 2014
· Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
· Health and Social Care Act 2012
· Human Rights Act (1998)
· Mental Capacity Act 2005
· Data Protection Act 2018
· The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
· The Equality Act 2010
· Caldicott Principles 1997
· Children Act 2004 and 1989
· Working together to Safeguard Children 2018
Mental Health Act 2007
· General Data Protection Regulations
· Children and Families Act 2014

Our vision is for no dog to ever be afraid to try, to ever be afraid of a behavioural consequence and at no point will they be subjected to any form of harsh handling, punitive training or abuse while attending our classes. Our mission is for every dog to leave having a positive experience and to learn through play, reward fostering an environment where they want to do it all again.